Project Description

Shopping support

We understand the importance of a good diet. Regular, balanced meals are essential to maintaining good health. But unfortunately, older people and those with physical or mental difficulties can find looking after themselves in this way a challenge. Food planning and shopping can be a chore or just too difficult – getting to the shops may be tricky, store layouts can be difficult with shelving too high or too low and a lack of adequate rest facilities, and carrying heavy shopping home can also be a problem.

Our shopping service is designed to suit you, or your family member’s needs. We can accompany you or your friend or relative to the shops, and help do the shopping, or we can work together to create a shopping list, do the shopping either online or at the store and finally help unpack it.

We can accompany you or your friend or relative to the shops. Afterwards we help bring the shopping home and unpack it. This service is ideal for more mobile people who just need extra assistance with getting to and from the shops. We can arrange one-to-one or group shopping trips.

We do the shopping and then bring it to your or your loved one’s home. We can also help to unpack and put the groceries away. This service is suitable for those who are housebound and unable to do their own shopping.

We can also do the shopping online at the store of your choice and arrange a delivery time. We can then organise to be there when it arrives and help to unpack it. This service is suitable for those who are housebound and unable to do their own shopping.

With all these options we can work together to create a shopping list based on heathy meals and your or your loved one’s preferences. Because we allocate one carer to each client they get to know what their client likes and can help to ensure their cupboards are filled with things they like to eat by prompting them when supplies are running low.

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